Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is So Close...

Yep.  It's that time of year.  The horrendous ice-packed country driveway has now given way to a six-inch deep mud pit.  It's spring!

Well, almost.  Where I live, we're still at risk for having snow dumped on us at any second.  Our frost date isn't until at least the end of May.  (Fortunately for us, we should be moved out of here by then, and have an earlier last frost date of mid-May...tee hee!)

Speaking of which, please pray for us, send positive thoughts, etc. that we find a good place to live.  We've applied for a FABULOUS place that we found, that is perfect for us.  Not on acreage, but other than that it's great (nothing good on acreage is available right now that isn't in the boonies).  I hope we get it, because it will be a great place to shoot all my garden videos.  And we'll actually be able to get into our own driveway without getting covered in mud, stuck in the snow, etc.  What a concept!

I really hope we get it, because I can't wait to show you how cool it is.  Plus, I've started my seedlings, so I need a place to plant them!

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