Monday, October 25, 2010

Real Health Revolution Radio Show

Real Health Revolution.  It is a podcast radio show recorded via blogtalk radio.   The show begins at 8pm pacific/11pm eastern time.

It will be broadcast live, and anyone can listen.  Those who sign up for blogtalk radio as members will be able to participate in the chat room if desired.  There will also be a number for listeners to call in, although I may not have the time to actually take calls tonight.

Segments will include Reiki, various types of natural, healthy exercise, gemstone therapy, natural ways to alleviate depression, health news, etc.  For now, the show will be only 30 minutes long, so be sure to get to the show page early.  The reason is that it costs $40 a month to upgrade to a longer show.   With a large family, that's a big chunk for me.  So I do hope to increase to at least a one hour show, but that will have to wait until I know that there is enough demand for the show.  Until then, I will try to schedule two shows a week.  Episode two is scheduled for this Friday, October 29th, in the same time slot.

If you like Real Health Revolution and want to hear longer episodes, you can help by spreading the word.  You can even grab a link from blogtalk radio to put a BTR player into your sidebar that plays my show episodes.  Blog about it, tweet about it, mention it on facebook and other social networking sites, link to the show page and the Real Health Revolution blog, to this blog, and to my Reiki website,  There are also really great links in the sidebar of this blog for really great products, which I receive a small kickback on if you click and buy them, so that's another way to help support the podcast. The more revenue I can get, the better information and services I provide (as of this writing I've made nothing, but invested quite a bit of time between all my websites and prepping for the podcast).  I plan to start how-to videos on YouTube in the future, as well.

Also, if you miss the show, blogtalk keeps archives of old shows, which I've heard are usually available within a few minutes of the show ending, and at some point they are uploaded to iTunes as well.  There is a link to subscribe to the iTunes podcasts on the show page.

 Please visit the RHR blog.  Feel free to leave comments about the show, and if you have any questions, comments, or topics you'd like to suggest, please contact me at  (Copy and paste the email address into your address bar, then delete the ZZZ's and hit enter.)